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Мне особенно запомнился тот момент, где Честер Беннингтон говорит:"If I am not like actively doing, getting out of myself and being with other people like being a dad, being a husband, being a bandmate, being a friend, helping someone out. If I am out of myself, I am great. If I am inside all the time, I am horrible, I am a mess".
P.S. На
Facebook'e диджея JoJo есть его размышления об этом интервью уже после произошедшего:
читать дальше"Second guessing myself. What could I have done? I only met him once, such a kind, wonderful person. I have artists visit quite often, some with deep, personal lyrics, but music is generally an outlet that helps heal. Heals writers, artists and fans. This expression is part of the healing process, or so that has been my experience. However in this case it appears to have been a cry for help. Looking back on that interview, if you see it in it's entirety, it was an amazing encounter. We laughed, talked about kids, fans, ufo's, invited him to drop by anytime, just a great time. But when you listen to him explaining "Heavy", in hindsight it was clearly more than that. Although even during that segment, he had a brief comedic delivery, once again in hindsight perhaps masking pain. All this said, I'm not trying to make this about me, I'm just trying to ask myself what should I have done? Could I have helped? Despite being familiar with his music, and perhaps him having some familiarity with me on air as he lived in LA, we were basically strangers to each other. We did seem to connect during the interview, such a nice guy, but it was our first time meeting. I will definitely be doing some soul searching to find these answers. I do know I showed him love, kindness, respect, only wish I could have been part of the solution. -JoJo"